Monday, September 26, 2016

What does a society look like with no racism, sexism, classism...?

I believe that one of the best responses to economic and social inequity is joy and happiness. After all, what does a society look with no racism, classism, sexism...?

I want to live in prospering, abundant, and democratic society, and I want to help create it. I am probably best situated to do so when I am coming from a place of well being. It is our well being that we risk when we maintain inequitable social and economic structures. And our civility towards our brothers and sisters can become masked if not stunted, as well.

This short video from Matthew Cooke, called Race Baiting 101, profiles some of the complexity of how the Masters conjure lateral conflict among the 99%. The video has compelling arguments and stark images that hopefully affirm how we are connected in our humanity. So although there is a bit of ugliness in the video, I think it serves as a good reminder of why I am aligned with the hope of Black Lives Matter, sustainability, feminism, and other movements for a better world.

I also remind myself that the embrace of well being, as a political act, is not a form of surrender. To want to be everywhere, all of the time -- to right every wrong, to confront every injustice -- is to succumb to the violence. I choose to acknowledge the violence, educate myself, and focus on what I want, rather than what I don't want.

In solidarity, and in peace without appeasement.

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